Saturday, September 08, 2007

GnosCast: The Gnostic Podcast - Episode 6

Episode 6: Illuminating the Da Vinci Code Seminar 3

Pulling Back the Veil: The Spiral Sacred Quest

Our Sacred Stories as Experiences, Guides, and Quests

This seminar explored what directions these particular stories lead us, and what lies beneath and beyond them.

Recorded: Sept. 26, 2006

Diagrams displayed on overhead projector during seminars

I've been catching up on recorded audio lately. This last of the Illuminating the Da Vinci Code Seminars has been waiting quite some time, but not quite a year. After a continuous reduction in computer time and time online, I've been able to get a laptop and wireless connection. Editing audio always takes longer than I think it will, and I've been recording and editing for over two years now.
I've been wanting to produce more of the main GnosCast podcasts, so look for more in the not to distant future.

I've also gotten a number of homilies finished for the GnosCast-Reflections podcasts. If you are looking for Gnostic content, they are a great resource. Averaging around 20 minutes, they are reflections on holidays, scriptures, and themes important for spiritual life. They are not planned out before hand, and I don't know what all I'm going to say. Delivered in the altered state of consciousness after participating in the Eucharist, I find it useful to listen to them myself.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your very excellent and thought provoking podcasts. I downloaded your DaVinci code series and listened to them on a long drive from Santa Fe to Las Cruces this weekend. Really enjoy your homilies. Having access to this gnostic material in this format really means a lot to me. This gnostic path can leave one feeling a bit isolated sometimes, especially out here.

Again, thanks very much. Kimberly

Anonymous said...

Hi Rev,

No comment on the content as yet (just listened to the first couple minutes while it downloads) but sounds WAY better this time!

More later.