Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Advent Reflection

Adventus 'The Coming'

We yearn for the coming of something. For the entry of something into our lives that will fulfill or complete us. We seek it here and there. Is it Love? Is it Money? Is it Fame? Is it the latest consumer product or new age fad? These are things that people mistake it for, or that they think will remove the need for it from themselves.

Yet it is in this dark time of the year that we can see the futility of these attempts more clearly. As the world darkens, what is more important than light? We try to distance ourselves from our experience of this time of the year, by intellectually knowing that this darkness will pass. But if we open to the experience, we can feel the changes that the growing darkness works in us, and the yearning it fosters all the more within us.

We are incomplete. A part of us is a seed or a spark, not grown nor kindled. It is coming, if we nourish that seed and breathe on that spark. A part of us is a distant star shining in the night. It is coming, if we reach out to it, it reaches back to us. It is a Mystery. It is other. It is our truest self.

1 comment:

Jordan Stratford+ said...

"A part of us is a seed or a spark, not grown nor kindled. It is coming, if we nourish that seed and breathe on that spark. "

This is beautiful, Fr Troy, and has cut through the fog of my day. Thanks and blessings.