Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Day

The Renewal of Life

Behold, I make all things new.

The liturgical year begins on the first Sunday in Advent, beginning the sacred year anew. However, in our culture this is the day of the New Year. A somewhat arbitrary point, originally associated with the Winter solstice, on which we start the calendar year over—the wheel turns anew.

We normally live in a very linear view of time, ever focused on the future and tied to the past, rarely does the present get its due. Sacred time is seen as cyclical, the ever returning, and in a way essentially never changing. Of course, we live with both concepts, and it is on this day that the two mesh. The turning of the year to go through the cycle of months again, and the newness of a new cycle.

If we live within the bounds of linear time, the weight of it can grow very heavy indeed. What a marathon life is! Hadn't we ought to have accomplished so much more by now? How much life is over, how much life is left? It is into this state that the eternal strikes. The transcendent cuts through time like Alexander's sword slicing through the Gordian knot we are hopelessly tied up in. And we know that we have always and will always extend beyond it's bounds. The touch of the Divine renews us, it frees us from the confining horizons we live within. It makes all things new.

The path of Gnosis is a long one, a linear path, and a cycle of cycles. It leads to and revolves around a mystery, a mystery beyond understanding, that transcends the cosmos, yet is found within you. It is the Gnosis of this that renews us, the little epiphanies that give us light and renewed strength for the journey.

Readings for the day.


Anonymous said...

Most true! The present cannot and should not be lost in our imaginings of the future and our clinging to the past. As the Master Jesus said, "let the days worries be enough for the day." We can include this to mean let the moment's worry be enough for the moment and become aware of the eternal supply from the Limitless Light that is ever and will ever be bountiful to supply our needs.

sparkwidget said...

Happy New Year, Reverend!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

I love the graphic at the top of your blog by the way... it's very beautiful. I'm just starting to learn about the Tree of Life and it's nice to see it popping up in different places.

Marsha+ said...

Korzybski referred to humans in his work "Science and Sanity" as "time binding" Our use of language allows us to bind time into periods ever larger or smaller. While this does help us to relate to other times and places and enables us to pass information down from one generation to the next it also has limited us in such a way that we have trouble understanding the concept of the "Ever Present, Present" It is almost as if we have to unlearn some of that which we are taught from birth in order to be truly in the moment so that we can be human beings rather than human doings.
Happy New Year and check out my new, new blog Emerald City Gnosis.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Troy, my Priest and friend. You have helped me string together one bright moment after another and they shimmer against the darkness. Thank you for your time and service.